Escapism is a fundamental human behavior that has shaped our world for centuries, from ancient Greek theater to the immersive virtual realities of today. It’s more than just a coping mechanism — it’s a source of creativity, innovation and imagination. In a fast-paced world, escapism provides a crucial emotional release, with 91% of people globally affirming the need to escape occasionally.
This universal desire has led to the rise of the “Escape Economy,” valued at $9.7 trillion and expected to grow to $13.9 trillion by 2028. From travel and tourism to entertainment and gaming, escape-related industries play a significant role in the global economy. Launched in 2025, McCann Worldgroup’s first “Truth About Escapism” research — backed by over 16,000 participants across 26 markets — explores the full spectrum of escapes and how brands can position themselves as essential partners in their consumers’ journeys.