FCB SHOUT and RHB Transform the Meaning of Wealth

17 January 2025


Conceived and created by FCB SHOUT, RHB Group’s Chinese New Year 2025 campaign, “Wealth,” tells the true story of Tan Swee Ban — a selfless man who has dedicated his life to running Peace & Harmony Home, a non-profit nursing center in Penang, Malaysia, that cares for the sick and neglected elderly. While opening a nursing home is a noble act, what has made Mr. Tan’s story go viral on social media are the profound personal sacrifices he has made to establish and sustain the home.

Told from the perspective of Mr. Tan’s mother, the film explores the complex emotions of a parent watching her son give up his career, home, time, and even his health to care for those who have nothing to give in return.

While “Wealth” aligns with RHB’s role as a financial institution, the campaign reframes the concept, showing that wealth is about more than material success — an idea validated by Mr. Tan. In a world where legacy is often defined by the material wealth we leave behind, his story serves as a powerful reminder that true wealth is not what we leave behind, but the lives we impact along the way.

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