FCB Inferno Launches Fifth Year of ‘This Girl Can’

17 January 2020


“This Girl Can 2020” is leaving no woman behind in its depiction of how society must change in order to accommodate all women being active. It has been five years since the inception of the campaign for Sport England which had not only encouraged millions of women to get active, but also fundamentally influenced marketing to women. The 2020 campaign features new cast members and stories while bringing back some of the women who’ve been prominently featured in past work, showing how we’re still as relevant today as we were five years ago.

The 2020 campaign also shows that there are a host of new barriers that need addressing. We’re moving beyond just covering the emotional and practical barriers that might stop women from being active – we’re now tackling societal barriers that can prevent women from feeling like they can join in. We are once again celebrating women of all shapes, sizes, abilities and backgrounds. This time, however, we’re sharing the stories of women who’ve overcome issues that we, as a society, must overcome together to help more women find ways to be active. Throughout the course of the campaign, we’ll cover topics from menopause to support networks to disability and LGBTQ+ inclusion.

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