McCann and ANNOVERA Tell Women to ‘Un-Apologize’ for Birth Control

14 July 2022


McCann’s new campaign for ANNOVERA®, the first and only annual, procedure-free birth control, tells women that it’s time to stop apologizing.

In the campaign, stand-up comedian Whitney Cummings and other women highlight how they plan to leave behind outdated cultural and social stigmas and choose instead to un-apologize for what they really want – like saying “no” to a second date or asking someone else to pick their kids up from school. Ultimately, the campaign makes it clear that women should have to focus less on birth control, and various parts of the reproductive journey, and instead enjoy their most authentic selves.

“Un-Apologize” launched in April on Vagina Appreciation Day, incorporating “un-apologies” across a variety of female perspectives and experiences.

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