McCann Colombia and Ara Boost Regional Nutrition

01 December 2021


McCann Colombia worked with Ara, the discount retail store with a presence throughout Colombia, to augment the chain’s main mission of making food and goods accessible to everyone. Healthy food options and education around nutrition are not always available for low-income individuals, and the traditional retail model thrives from the profitability of highly processed goods. McCann Colombia and Ara went against this trend and created a new model that places health and nutritional needs of Colombian people before sales.

McCann Colombia analyzed nutritional deficiencies present in each region of the country and crossed the data with Ara’s inventory. They made these foods more visible, reorganizing the store displays and placing point-of-purchase material to educate consumers according to their region’s nutritional needs.

The initiative garnered support from the government, including the First Lady of Colombia, who highlighted the initiative as an example that other retailers and businesses should follow. It was also included in the P&M Magazine’s “Top 10 initiatives of 2021,” in the category of brand action with purpose, and won the bronze medal at El Dorado Festival in the good health and wellness category.