McCann Global Health Highlights the Financial Impact of Vaping

25 August 2023


“Ditch the Vape. Get what’s yours” represents the latest anti-vaping campaign created in collaboration between McCann Global Health and The Evelyn Lilly Lutz Foundation. Defying traditional anti-vape messaging that centers around the health consequences of vaping, the campaign highlights how the average $1,000-1,500 that teens spend annually on vaping could be better spent on other experiences and hobbies.

Filmed at Beverly High School in Beverly, Massachusetts, “Ditch the Vape. Get what’s yours” features the personal passions and hobbies of real-life students, highlighting how the money spent on vaping could instead fuel a diverse range of interests.

Aiming to inspire teens to make informed decisions about the money they earn, the campaign challenges teens who vape to quit and channel their funds toward more fulfilling experiences.

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