Global Reporting Initiative Reports
a .Explain the process for defining the report content and the Aspect Boundaries. b. Explain how the organization has implemented the Reporting Principles for Defining Report Content.
Interpublic completed a comprehensive materiality process.
Interpublic completed a comprehensive materiality process with the assistance of The Governance & Accountability Institute, an independent third party. IPG examined the importance of each GRI indicator and various sustainability issues to key important stakeholder groups including our peers, largest clients, employees and investors.
We then reviewed the results with an internal team of senior management to make the final decisions on what is considered to be material to Interpublic and its stakeholders.
Based on this process, we selected our material aspects, indicators and report content.
We are continuing as an organization to engage with our stakeholders, and further examining what additional sustainability aspects are important to them and to our business. We will continue to update the report content to include the results of these engagements and considerations as we further develop our sustainability program.