Global Reporting Initiative Reports
Explanation of the material topic and its boundary.
Unless otherwise noted, the boundary for the disclosures in our report represent the entire Interpublic entity as described in our 10K annual report.
IPG has undertaken a comprehensive materiality analysis, which we consider an ongoing process and opportunity for refinement. We continually engage with our investors, our clients, our employees, and other stakeholders to fine tune our sustainability initiatives and material topic disclosures.
In addition to the GRI 102 General Disclosures, below are the material GRI Standards topics covered in this 2020 GRI Report:
- GRI 201 – Economic Performance
- GRI 203 – Indirect Economic Impacts
- GRI 205 – Anti-corruption
- GRI 206 – Anti-competitive Behavior
- GRI 302 – Energy GRI 305 – Emissions
- GRI 307 – Environmental Compliance
- GRI 308 – Supplier Environmental Assessment
- GRI 401 – Employment
- GRI 403 – Occupational Health and Safety
- GRI 404 – Training and Education
- GRI 405 – Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- GRI 412 – Human Rights Assessment
- GRI 413 – Local Communities
- GRI 414 – Supplier Social Assessment
- GRI 415 – Public Policy
- GRI 417 – Marketing and Labeling
- GRI 418 – Customer Privacy
- GRI 419 – Socioeconomic Compliance