Super Bowl 2023 Advertising: Fun, Creative Storytelling and Dogs

02 March 2023



Dogs are the new celebrities. Or at least, dogs got people watching the Super Bowl LVII, where after nearly three years of heaviness and addressing “the elephant in the room,” ads embraced levity for an audience ready to be entertained.

Ida Gronblom, Executive Creative Director at FCB New York, Maria Pazos, Group Planning Director at Carmichael Lynch, and Sam Chotiner, Executive Strategy Director at McCann, join CI Conversations host Jennifer Sain to discuss Super Bowl LVII, where ads departed from the anthemic in a shift back to the irreverent, funny and fun.

While some brands applied humor and randomness from a pre-pandemic era, the most successful ads supported any quirkiness with coherent storytelling. Nostalgia and the familiar were key themes, as were resolving consumers’ problems, providing good feelings, and of course, getting people talking.

For the future, brands may move away from pranks and tech-based gimmicks, relying instead on craft. A continuation of a return to humor and fun is likely on the horizon. And while celebrity fatigue might be setting in, diversity will ideally factor into the ads of the coming months and years. More humor and randomness may be on the way, under the solid structure of sound storytelling. And, maybe… more dogs.


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