IPG Funds Water System in Madagascar for Giving Tuesday
14 Dec 2021
In honor of Giving Tuesday this year, IPG funded a piped water system in Madagascar through charity: water. Only about 54% of the population in Madagascar has access to clean drinking water, a number that drops to 36% in the country’s more rural regions. The piped water system allows more people to access water from a high-yield water source by adding more distribution sites or by bringing water closer to communities from distant sources. The pipelines are powered by a combination of gravity, electricity, solar power, and other methods, and are tailored to the geography of the region.
To build the piped water system, charity: water is partnering with HELVETAS, an organization that has been working in Madagascar’s water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector for over 20 years. HELVETAS has a unique public-private partnership model where both the local government and private contractors are invested in the long-term success of the piped water systems. Currently, charity: water and HELVETAS Madagascar are drafting a multi-year strategy that will scale their collective impact to reach more people.
IPG began its formal partnership with charity: water in 2016 as part of our commitment to UN Sustainability Development Goal #6, access to clean water and sanitation. In addition to better health, access to water empowers women and girls who, in many areas around the world, are responsible for obtaining water for their communities. By alleviating the task, women and girls are able to tend to other important activities like education and paid work.
Read here for more information on IPG’s partnership with charity: water.