For good or bad, the future changes. We may think we know what we stand to lose with the proliferation of generative AI, but we don’t yet know what we will gain.
Jerlyn O’Donnell, Director, Experience Design at FCB Health New York, and Franklin Williams, EVP, Director, Experience Design, AREA 23 join CI Conversations host Jennifer Sain to discuss the plus sides, the downsides, the uncertainties and the myriad possibilities of generative AI.
AI can benefit advertisers by mitigating the onslaught of massive amounts of data they encounter, finding patterns that could be undetectable to the human eye. For example, AI could identify patterns in writing and creative or trends in colors and fonts that go viral, which human creators may miss. Its adopters will also gain the ability to use data to make informed decisions and create efficiencies.
While creative authorship laws and protocol may change in the future, currently, human ownership of what people create using AI still applies: users of AI writing tools such as Chat GPT, Jasper or Grammerly still need to intervene, editing and adjusting what they write into their own voices, and similar rules apply to AI design and art tools. Humans also need to research and fact-check what these tools write, and becoming educated is imperative in an era where some are keen to blindly accept what AI bots say as truth. Ultimately, learning to optimize AI tools is critical, and businesses need to use these tools with desired output in mind.
AI also has the potential to be massively beneficial to communities with disabilities, with possibilities including assisted technologies, improvements in prosthetic devices, voice recognition capabilities and predictive text software for people with difficulties.
While generative AI may eliminate some jobs, and we may need to adjust our understanding of human authorship of AI-generated content in the future, ultimately, these new technologies may bring a net positive by evolving improvements in the way we do work and catalyzing jobs that have yet to be invented.
CI_Conversations_Net Positives in an AI-Generative Future_Transcript