Operationalizing DEI for Growth and Social Impact

30 January 2023

If you don’t have a diversity strategy, you don’t have a growth strategy. Optimally, marketing and advertising professionals can use DEI to “drive equitable practices and explore what it means to look at communities that have been underserved.”

Channing Martin, IPG’s Chief Diversity and Social Impact Officer, and Bonnie Smith, SVP and head of ViVi, Jack Morton’s new diversity-driven, inclusive marketing practice, join CI Conversations host Jennifer Sain to discuss myth-busting at the center of understanding intersectional identities and how DEI can be used to transform organizational cultures, communities and societies by challenging the way we work.

Women statistically drive household decision-making. ViVi focuses on women, particularly women of color, and explores how to connect with them authentically in a way that celebrates intersectionality. Central to ViVi’s mission is analyzing a market in its totality and seeing women as not just consumers to be segmented into markets based on one identifying factor, but as people possessing multiple identities. Similarly, IPG is putting equity not just at the center of our talent practices, but at the center of our business, creating connections with consumers by focusing on the myriad intersecting identities they hold.

IPG takes a pragmatic approach to equity by using creative, outside-the-box thinking to change work and learn whose voices are not being presented. ViVi and IPG aim to coach clients into identifying goals and transforming them into actionable work. For the future, redesigning measurement tools to analyze the effectiveness of DEI practices and creating a culture of transparency which empowers traditionally underserved communities to speak about their experiences will help to advance the foundation of DEI practices used today.


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